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The pieces in this gallery were completed during the time I spent studying at the Academy of Realist Art in Toronto.  The first four graphite drawings fulfilled the requirements of Level I of the Academy's program ("Whetstone"; "Psyche de Naples"; "Female Torso" and "Milo of Crotone"). These images were drawn by me from lithographs contained in the Drawing Course by Charles Bargue.

Level II of the program involved completing two drawings in charcoal working from 3-dimensional plaster casts.  For the major project of these two I chose to work from a cast of the head of the father figure in the sculpture of Laocoön and His Sons.

My oil painting of the plaster cast of "Florentine Girl" fulfilled part of the requirements for Level III of the program of study at the Academy.

graphite drawing winnipeg
graphite drawing winnipeg
graphite drawing winnipeg

"Whetstone"    Graphite    7" X 11"

"Psyche de Naples"    Graphite    9" X 11"

"Female Torso"    Graphite    10" X 16"

graphite drawing winnipeg

"Milo of Crotone"   Graphite   12" X 16"

charcoal cast drawing winnipeg

          "Laocoön"    Charcoal    24" X 31"

oil painted cast drawing

           "Florentine Girl"    Oil on Canvas  

                                   15" X 17"

© 2018 All artwork copyright of Brenda St. Hilaire


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